sudo ntfsfix /div/sdb1 (enter)password
Acer F12/F2/boot option
something else500 GB full
gpt to Mbr or vice versa
go live CD
sudo fixparts /dev/sda (enter)
close terminal window
continue installation process
Shell Commands
1. ls : list directory contents
(The ls command will show you the list of files in your current directory.)
# ls
2. cd : Change Directory
(The cd command will allow you to change directories.)
# cd
3. pwd : print the current/working directory
(The pwd command will allow you to know in which directory you are located)
# pwd
4. mkdir : make/create directory.
( The mkdir command will allow you to create directories. )
# mkdir
5. rmdir : remove the directory
(The rmdir command will delete an empty directory.)
# rmdir
6. rm : remove/delete file.
(This command to remove or delete a file in your directory.)
# rm
7. mv : rename or move a file/directory
(The mv command will move a file to a different location or will rename a file.)
# mv
8. man : Manual pages for shell commands.
(The man command is used to show you the manual of other commands.)
# man rm
9. cp : Copy Files
(The cp command will make a copy of a file for you.)
# cp r_test.txt r1_test.txt
10. shutdown : Shutdown the computer from terminal
( This command shutdown the computer )
# shutdown h or # init 0
11. adduser : Addition of new user
( This command creating the new user in /home directory)
# adduser ravi
12. passwd : Change password for user
( This command change the password of specific user)
# passwd ravi
13. tar : Creates and extracts files from a tape or disk archive.
(This command stores and extracts files from a tape or disk)
# tar cvzf ravi.tar.gz *
14. tar : Creates and extracts files from a tape or disk archive.
(This command stores and extracts files from a tape or disk)
# tar xvzf ravi.tar.gz
15. find : find searches the file located at /
(This command find searches the directory tree rooted at each given file)
# find / name ravi.txt print
16. grep : print lines matching a pattern
(This command searches the named input files for lines containing a
match to the given pattern.)
# grep ravi losarwar *
17. chown : change file owner and group
(This command changes the user and/or group ownership of each given file.)
# chown ravi ravi.tar.gz
18. chgrp : change group ownership
(This command change the group of each file to group)
# chgrp ravi ravi.tar.gz
19. chmod : change file mode bits
(This command changes the file mode bits of each given file according to mode)
# chmod 777 ravi.tar.gz
20. ifconfig : configure a network interface
(This command is used to configure the kernelresident network interfaces)
# ifconfig
പാസ്വേഡ് മറന്നുവെങ്കില്
You should now see a root prompt, something like this:(for this go to advanced options in grub menu - Select recovery mode - select root shell
- Then give below command
mount -n -0 remount,rw /
- Then give the following line
(where user refers to the user name set in the system for which the password is resetting)
for example
Now we can set the user's password with the passwd command. (In this example I will use jorge as the example, you need to substitute whatever the user's username is):
root@ubuntu:~# passwd jorge
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully
Type in what you want the new password to be at the prompt. After it's successful reboot the machine and the user will be able to log in with their new password.